A downloadable game for macOS


An ustwo games Game Jam game by Jennifer, Katie and Laure

You may think your light is small, but when you join your light with others, you see the world in a different way

A game where you play as a firefly trying to find light and community in the darkest of places.

You set out on a solo journey, using your voice and light to find your buddies.

You call and they respond with sound and light.

Once you find your buddy, you team up and look for other souls who are still out there in the dark The bigger the group, the brighter the light and the louder the sound, welcoming the sunrise.

There is currently a decline of the firefly population (due to factors such as light pollution, loss of habitat, and pesticides). This game aims to raise awareness of this. 

Preserving forests and planting trees are key ways of preserving the habitat and life of fireflies. We are helping in this way via Alba: A Wildlife Adventure's Ecologi tree planting initiative and Monument Valley 2's The Lost Forest chapter focusing on Play4Forests' push for forest conservation. But we can do more!


Day5_RC_2.app.zip 37 MB

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